Saturday, March 21, 2009

Last Day At Payson!!!

Last Day At Payson!!!
I told Jeni to make a funny face but did she!!!

Bradan hates pictures so i yelled his name and took it as he was turning around. He just about killed me for it. So this is prbly the only one you are going to see of him for a while.

Thor was talking and just happened to glance over at the camera at the perfect moment.

Bradan was playing around with my camera and just happened to get a picture of me when i was putting the phone up to my ear to call my mom during lunch. lol. i look like im on drugs or something. dont worry i promise im not tho.

Calling my mom.

This was in team sports. Cory was in the middle and Cassi was on the right. i kinda forgot the kids name that is on the left tho. sorry.

Jade is on the right and i am on the left.

Jade was laughing at my blondeness again. lol. gosh i hate being blonde sometimes.

Me and Jade again. I was just snapping random pictures.

Carolyn and i were goofing off with the camera. Carolyn was on my volleyball team and that's how we met. we have been best friends ever since.


Thursday, March 5, 2009

New Beginnings

"New Beginnings"

I was playing the piano and audrey was leading for the opening song.

They asked me to give a little talk type of thing to introduce this year's theme.

Kassidy Miller was introducing all of the Laurels to the parents.

Mercedes John was introducing all of the Miamaids to the parents.

Ciera Lundberg was introducing all of the Beehives to the parents.

Sue was explaining things about our new value, virtue, which just happens to be the color gold!!!

Sue was explaining things about the neckless that all of the young women got. Sister Ellsworth made jewelry for all of the young women. There was a jewel for every value color and then it was on a gold chain.

Handing out the Necklesses

Kassidy Miller

McKensey Andersen

Sue and Andrea Ellsworth

Breanna Nelson

Sue, Andrea, and Cindy

Mercedes John

Chrystal Hayes

McKaila Andersen


Audrey Miller

Chelsea Ellsworth

Aubrey Andersen

Ciera Lundberg

Katie Nelson

Aubrey Nelson

Alex Thompson

Madison Streble

Meagan Woolard

Rachel Waite

Marci, Cindy, and Sue

Demaris Ballamis

Kalee Doyl

Sue was starting to explain about personal progress and what we are going to have to work on for the new value.

my mom and dad came. My dad wouldn't let me take a normal picture so this was as close as i could get.

Sue was listening to Bro. Lundberg give his little closing speach.

Brother Lundberg giving his little closing speach

Still giving the speach

Me and Danyal!!!

Me and Danyal!!!

Danyal came over to my house and we were playing games and messing around with the camera!

I was starting to fall over so i was just pushing the button and hoping that i got us.

Danyal glanced up right as i took this picture!

haha! She was laughing and sticking her tongue out at me cuz i was saying random things that didn't even make sense. Which, isn't really unusual!

She couldn't hold back from laughing anymore!!! Im just so funny! jk!

She didn't know i took this picture either!