Saturday, January 24, 2009

Making Cookies

Making Cookies

Just me waiting for everyone to start making cookies!

Mom was helping dallen spread on his frosting.

Brandon was trying to take Natalie's cookie so she got out the broom and was getting ready to smack him over the head with it.

Brianna lifted up her cookie and all of these sprinkles fell off of it. She pushed it into a pile and started to eat it off of the counter. She is so discusting!!

Dallen was flinging frostine everywhere so he had to make sure that he didn't get any frostine on the ceiling.

This is where Natalie caught Brandon trying to steal her cookie the first time.

He thought that I was going to take his cookie so he wasn't too happy.

Brianna was making a cookie for daddy because he had to work when we were decorating them. She's a sweet girl.

Natalie was cleaning up her sprinkles mess from her cookie. She caked everything on!! Typical 6 year old!

Daddy's cookie is half way done!!!


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